There are few things you have to make sure are done
properly if you have Adams Rite deadbolt locks on your commercial property.
1. Mortise cylinder Security
Most of the times I do one of this locks. The
one thing which is not done properly is the security ring . If you use one of
this aluminum spacers when you install the cylinder you lower your security by
at least 80%. Why? The only thing keeping the cylinder in place is a set screw
and if you have a regular mortise cylinder ( and even worst if you mortise
cylinder is one of those with aluminum housing) the grove where the set screw
goes is very shallow and because you don't have a proper security ring install
you can squeeze the cylinder with wise grip and undo the cylinder by breaking
the set screw or simply demolishing the thread on the cylinder. Once the
cylinder is down you can open the lock with anything. Please see Picture 1
You can see on Picture 2 the cylinder sinks
into the security ring which is hard steel and spins freely around the cylinder
preventing grabbing the cylinder with wise grip.
2. Set screw.
Let say every 3rd or 4th call I do with that
kind of locks I'm really surprise that the lock is missing the set screw which
is very unsecure . When somebody do some work on your door make sure they use
the set screw. Most of the time when they change the cylinder they break the
set screw or cross the thread and they thing if we make it very tight it will
be OK, well is unacceptable just to screw tight the cylinder in place.
Spacing between door and door frame
The last thing you may consider to improve security
on your commercial door is the latch guardian. If you have a gap greater then
1/8'' you have to install latch guard because there is a way to manipulate that
kind of lock through that gap.
If you have any questions fell free to call us anytime.
If you have any questions fell free to call us anytime.